Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Three Random Things

Maybe I'll make this a regular part of the blog. We'll see I guess. But here are Three Random Things going through my mind when it comes to the NBA.

1. My biggest weakness has become the Golden State Warriors.

Some people love chocolate. Other people can't stop smoking. I can't stop watching the Golden State Warriors.

I know that the Warriors are totally flawed and dysfunctional. I know that Monta Ellis said on the first day of training camp that there was no way that he and Steph Curry could play together. I know that they were dumb enough to sign S-Jax to a big deal and then trade him away for not a whole lot. I know that Don Nelson does crazy things like not play Anthony Randolph enough minutes.

But, man, are they fun to watch. The ball moves like crazy. Ellis attacks the rim like he's twice the size that he is. Anthony Morrow might be the best three-point shooter in the Association. And they can run it up on almost anybody. 

It has reached the point for me that if I'm flipping around the League Pass offerings and the Warriors are play, I'm probably watching. Hell, I'm considering trying to buy one of those sweet "City" T-shirts. Last night's game against Indiana was a perfect example of why. The Pacers had no clue as to slow down Ellis. He finished with 45 despite fouling out with about six minutes left on what I thought was a crap block/charge call. 

Tonight, the Warriors play Denver and I'll probably watch again. Nothing like a little late night up and down.

2. What doesn't get talked about regarding Brandon Jennings

Upon my return from Thanksgiving, I found Sports Illustrated sitting in my mailbox. In it was a nice piece on Brandon Jennings. While I've seen him mentioned a little bit in stories on Jennings, this piece quoted former Oklahoma and Indiana coach Kelvin Sampson at length.

I really think that Sampson's role on the Milwaukee staff has helped Jennings greatly. Sampson was one of those college coaches that forced his guys to work. He was a cheater, but he got his guys to work, play hard, defend and get after it. Sampson has worked hard with Jennings on his outside shooting -- what many people thought was his biggest weakness. He has repeatedly worked him out, put him through drills and given him confidence.

Plus almost all of Sampson's coaching career has been spent dealing with players around Jennings' age. He understands what a teenager is like, what a teenager wants and how to get through to them. That can only be a bonus. 

3. My new reading material

Over the weekend, I picked up the still pretty new Bill Simmons' The Book of Basketball. First, you have to love Costco. The list price for this massive 700-page epic is $30. I saw it at Target for $21. I bought it at Costco for $16 and change. 

I'm not super far into the book,  but it seems as if it is going to be a good read. Simmons is funny and I had no idea about his history of going to Celtics games at Boston Garden. The book seems cool so far and the footnotes are hilarious. 

I'm sure there will be more updates down the line.

That's three items. And I'm out. Look for a post later about the month ahead for the Wolves.

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